Real Experiences From Real People.

“I went into Prosper360 with the idea of focusing solely on growing my business, but I’ve come away with so much more. I have thoroughly enjoyed building relationships with other driven entrepreneurs who are doing big things, have big dreams, and have achieved success in so many areas of life. My favorite part of the Retreats are the hot seats, where one member shares a current challenge or opportunity in their business or life and receives feedback and suggestions from the rest of the group. Those have been extremely powerful. I’m referring some of my friends to Prosper360 because I can’t imagine not having this community as a resource.”

Ryan Ivie

Utah's Top Realtor

“If you can qualify for Prosper360, go for it! Mike has helped me immensely in my career and more particularly, in selling high-end investment packages. He has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to succeeding in business, and has provided me with the tools I need to help clients buy $50,000 to $200,000 packages, all done over the phone. It’s pretty incredible when I think about it, and without Mike’s leadership it wouldn’t ever have been a reality.”

Brooke Pace

Marketing Analyst

“I’ve been a part of a few different mastermind groups, but Prosper360 has by far been the best. I’ve had great interactions with other members on a variety of topics that have been really impactful for me on a deeper level, and the engagement that Mike creates among the community has been amazing. I 100% recommend Prosper360 to other business owners.”

Tony Dumas


“Join Prosper360 and be around Mike & his team. Just three hours with him changed everything for my new manufacturing business – we are now light years ahead with revenues over 10X of where we were. Mike not only opened my eyes to how much money we were missing out on – he told me exactly what to do with my marketing, and then he literally took the time and showed me exactly how to do it! I immediately implemented everything he taught me, and the rest is history – we’ve grown a startup to become a nationwide, thriving multi-million dollar manufacturing company.”

Mark Kitchen


“I would highly recommend Prosper360 to other entrepreneurs. I’ve been through multiple mastermind and self-help programs throughout my business career, and Mike has taken the best parts of everything I’ve seen and packaged it into one great community. The collaboration, the training, the relationships, the top strategies, it’s all here.”

James Perry

Commercial Equipment Leasing

“I’ve learned so much from Mike this past year! Not only has he helped me create scalable offerings in my business that don’t require more of my time, but he has truly changed the way I think about everything. If you’re invited to enroll into Prosper360, just jump in and go for it. I’ve been in A LOT of programs over the years and I can tell you there’s nothing out there like this. Mike is an extremely skilled teacher and has a vast knowledge of business and how to lead a successful personal and family life. I highly recommend taking the opportunity to learn from a real master.”

Melissa Gamarra

Online Business Consultant

“Mike has defined what can be accomplished in living the American Dream. Not only have I witnessed him generate tens of millions of dollars over just the past few years, I have personally been involved with his making very smart multi-million dollar investment transactions. Mike just knows how to succeed in sales & marketing and as an entrepreneur – and most importantly, in his personal and family life. Several mastermind groups claim they can help you in your business and your life more than anyone else; only one can be right. It’s Mike and the Prosper360 Family.”

Ryan Jacobs

Financial Advisor

“My overall experience with Prosper360 has been amazing, and I’ve made some great connections I wouldn’t have made otherwise. The diversity of skills, industries, personalities, and people is incredible and I’ve grown my network immensely. I had never been a part of a mastermind group before Prosper360, so I didn’t know what to expect. But if anyone is on the fence about it, take it from me: Join!”

Charles Riggs

Corporate Tax Reduction

“Just one conversation with Mike was a game changer in our business model. Once I explained to him our biggest challenge with our leads and sales process, Mike asked the right questions and caught the issues quickly – there were some patterns and opportunities with our fitness company that we had been overlooking. We went back into our data and discovered that sure enough, Mike was right. The bottom line: thanks to Mike’s ideas, wisdom & insights – not only have we been refining our landing pages, our front-end ads, our website, and our sales process – we just launched a compelling new sales funnel. I feel total gratitude and appreciation and would tell anyone to spend as much time around Mike as you possibly can. Prosper360 provides that opportunity.”

Matt Dibara

Fitness Entrepreneur

“My overall experience with Prosper360 has been one of excitement and passion, and the level of engagement and interaction has been outstanding. It’s so refreshing being in a community with people who are like-minded, who have the same goals and aspirations I do, who have been successful in their lives, and who have an entrepreneurial mindset. I would definitely recommend Prosper360 to other entrepreneurs. In fact, last night I did just that to one of my friends!”

Ryan Lee

Hedge Fund Manager

“Mike’s business savvy is amazing. He knows what works and what doesn’t work – regardless of whatever industry you’re in. All I can say is not only have I learned a lot, but if only I had listened to ALL of the advice I was given… it would have saved me a lot of money and frustration with our franchise business. So take MY advice and let the Prosper360 experience show you how to take your business and personal life to a whole new level – you won’t go wrong!”

Becky Busath

Former Multi-Unit Franchise Owner

“The time I’ve spent with Mike not only helped me succeed in sales and in building my own independent successful business, but also instilled in me a major shift in my thinking about my own potential. He is a future forward leader and will help guide you toward what is next. I can confidently say that anyone who joins Prosper360 will see themselves, their sales, and their business soar to new heights!”

Jeff Pearson

Digital/E-commerce Expert

“My first Prosper360 Retreat was an amazing experience. I’m not one to be a big extrovert, and so putting myself out there in one of the hot seat activities was a new experience for me. But by doing that, I realized how sincere and genuine each member is – they asked great questions and gave great recommendations. And that, to me, created a strong bonding experience with everyone involved and showed me that everyone here wants to help elevate each other to succeed.”

Vince Merrill

Direct Loan Expert

“I’ve known Mike Burnett for years and can tell you he’s the real deal; this guy has come from nothing and become incredibly successful. I’ve worked with Mike in numerous personal and group settings – and I will tell you he is one of the greatest teachers I’ve ever seen. When it comes to sales, marketing and business success, Mike knows his stuff, so get in to Prosper360 and be sure to listen carefully – and more importantly, do it! Mike is not only someone who has integrity and has become a trusted advisor, he’s a true friend.”

Michael Rasmuson

Home Furnishings Consultant